Parents advice for 14-16 year olds

Parents and Carers Advice for 14-16 year olds
You can read all curriculum and course information in our Key Stage 4 section and on our subjects areas. Within this information, there are career pathways identified by each subject.
All students will study English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Separate Sciences (Biology, Chemistry and Physics), Religious Studies, PSHE and Physical Education. Every student must also study an EBacc subject – this can be either one Language (French, German Spanish), Computer Science or one Humanities (Geography or History). We would advise that students should take at least one further Ebacc subject if they have a particular interest in that subject. Options thereafter should align with your child’s interests and enjoyment. If your child likes many subjects, then they should choose a broad range of options – an Art, a Technology, a Language, a Humanity.
This allows for a wide range of options available post 16. If your child is interested in a particular career choice, then research what subjects might support this.
Humanities (Geography, History, English, Religious Studies) all support career choices where there might be heavier emphasis on written work, research and comprehension.
Languages are always a good choice for students who might want to work in a global marketplace. With the world of work being more global than it has ever been before, a language is always an attractive choice.
Arts and Technology subjects, whilst more practical in nature, demonstrate creativity, problem solving and communication skills. Sport, Health and Dance subjects, support the sciences, health and wellbeing, team work, problem solving and creativity skills.
Post 14, some subject choices will influence the subjects available to a student post 16, but they should not limit the student’s ability to study post 16 something that they did not take post 14.
If you require further advice on 14-16 course choices, please email